The Subjective Participial is a construction in which the Participle is in predicate relations to a noun in the Common case or to a pronoun in the Nominative case.
He was seen crossing the street.
Видели, как он переходил улицу.
This construction has no single function, - its nominal element (he) is the subject of the sentence and the verbal one (crossing) is part of the Compound Verbal Modal predicate of special type.
The construction can be used with the following categories of verbs:
Verbs of sense perception - to see, to hear, to notice, to watch, etc.
She was heard typing in the next room.
Было слышно, как она печатала в соседней комнате.The verb to find.
The Egyptians are found well acquainted with the basics of astronomy and geometry.
Считают, что египтяне было хорошо знакомы с основами астрономии и геометрии.The city was found heavily damaged by the bombardment.
Город был сильно разрушен бомбардировкой.The verbs of information - to report, to inform, to quote, etc. Here the Participle is usually preceded by the conjunction as.
He has been reported as asking the court to diminish his term of imprisonment.
Сообщалось, что он просит суд уменьшить срок его заключения.The Russian president was quoted as saying that his talks with the Chinese leader must considerably improve the political situation in the Far East.
Приводятся высказывания российского президента о том, что его переговоры с китайским лидером должны значительно улучшить политическую ситуацию на дальнем востоке.The verb to represent in the meaning of представлять in the descriptions of pieces of art mostly; here the Participle is also preceded by the conjunction as.
Peter is represented here as riding a powerful horse, dressed in a Roman attire.
Петр изображен скачущем на могучем коне и одетым в римское одеяние.