The category of moods
There are tree moods in English - the Indicative mood, the Imperative mood and the Subjunctive mood.
The Indicative mood represents an action as a fact, as something real.
America was discovered in 1492.
Америка была открыта в 1492 году.
The Imperative mood expresses an order, a request or a call to a joint action.
Let's have a break.
Давайте сделаем перерыв.
Note: The subject is sometimes used to make an order more emphatic.
You go to bad at once!
Быстро иди спать!
The Subjunctive mood represents an action not as a fact but as something imaginary or desired.
If I had money now, I would buy his Opel.
Если бы у меня сейчас были деньги, я бы купил его опель.