The main functions of Participle I are the attribute and the adverbial modifier.

  • Participle I as an attribute

    Active Passive
    Indefinite used used seldom
    Perfect not used not used

    In this function Participle I Indefinite Active is very common, Participle I Indefinite Passive occurs and Participle I Perfect is never used either in the Active or in the Passive form.

    He advised me to speak to the man supervising the works.

    He advised me to speak to the man supervising the works.
    Он посоветовал мне поговорить с человеком, отвечающим за эти работы.

    Participle I Indefinite Passive is but seldom used as an attribute because it has to compete with Participle II in this function and it is used in those cases only where the action is represented as a process going on at some particular moment.

    The documents being typed now must be sent to Switzerland urgently.
    Документы, печатающиеся сейчас, должны быть немедленно отправлены в Швейцарию.

    Participle I Perfect is never used attributively, - the Russian причастия совершенного вида of the type написавший, сказавший, etc. can only be translated into English by an attributive clause (active).

    Писатель написавший эту книгу живет сейчас в Мюнхене.
    The writer who wrote this book lives in Munich.

    When the meaning is passive Participle II is used.

    All the buildings damaged during the war were soon restored.
    Все здания, разрушенные во время войны, вскоре были востановлены.

  • Participle I as an adverbial modifier

    • Participle I can be used as an adverbial modifier of time.

      Doing his study she found a note under his desk.
      Изучая его исследования, она нашла записку под его столом.

      The conjunctions when and while can be used here when the actions are simultaneous.

      When crossing a street be careful.
      Будте осторожны, переходя улицу.

      Note: The participle of the verb to be is never used as an adverbial modifier of time.

      Будучи в Москве, я всегда стараюсь попасть в театр Современник.
      Every time I come to Moscow I always try to get a ticket to the Sovremenik theater.

      Будучи ребенком, он не любил шумные подвижные игры.
      When (he was) a child he was not fond of noisy active games.

      An adverbial clause of time of ordinary or special type can be used here.

    • Participle I can be used as an adverbial modifier of cause.

      Having a richer complexion she looked younger than her sister.
      Имея лучшую фигуру, она выглядела моложе своей сестры.

      Note: Participle I in this function is often translated by an adverbial clause.

      Having rich parents she could afford to spend a summer holiday in Europe.
      Поскольку у нее были богатые родители, она могла себе позволить отпуск в Европе.

    • Participle I can be used as an adverbial modifier of comparison with the conjunctions as if, as though (как будто, как если бы).

      She raised her hand as if trying to stop him.
      Она подняла руку, как будто пыталась остановить его.

    • Participle I can be used as an adverbial modifier of manner or attendant circumstances.

      She worked in the garden singing merely.

  • Participle I can be used as a predicative (the nominal part of the compound nominal predicate).

    The effect of his words was terrifying.
    Впечатление от его слов было ужасным.

  • Participle I can be used as parenthesis (вводное слово).

    Frankly speaking, I am not delighted with his choice.
    Откровенно говоря, я не доволен его выбором.

  • Participle I is used in the Objective Participial construction.

    When used in the Objective Participial construction Participle I performs the function of part of a complex object.

    I saw him crossing the street.
    Я видел, как он переходил дорогу.

  • Participle I is used in the Subjective Participial construction.

    When used in the Subjective Participial construction Participle I performs the function of part of the compound verbal modal predicate of special type.

    He was heard pacing his room upstairs at night.
    По ночам было слышно, как он ходил взад-вперед по комнате.