The Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction is a construction in which the Infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the Common Case or to a pronoun in the Objective case.

I saw him cross the street.
Я видел, как он переходил улицу.

It performs the function of a Complex Object in the sentence.

This construction can be used after the following categories of verbs:

  • Verbs of sense perception - to see, to hear, to watch, to notice, to observe, etc.

    It was considered a good omen if a warrior saw a raven follow him.
    Считалось хорошим предзнаменованием, если видел, что вороны следуют за ним.

    The bare Infinitive is used here.


    • The construction is not used after the verb to see used in the meaning of understand.

      I saw that she did not understand the rule and explained it again.
      Я видел, что она не поняла правила и объяснил его снова.

    • The construction is not used after the verb to hear used in the meaning to be aware of something.

      I hear that your brother has got married.
      Я слышал, что твой брат женился.

    • When the meaning is passive, Participle II in the Objective Participial construction is usually used.

      I saw his camera broken by the policeman.
      Я видел, как его камеру разбил полицейский.

  • Verbs of mental activity - to consider, to expect, to mean, to think, to believe, to presume, etc.

    The Turkish garrison of Azov expected the Russians to return after their previous failure.

    Note: After the verbs to consider, to find the verb to be can be omitted.

    I consider him (to be) a first rate programmer.
    Я считаю, что он отличный программист.

    I find him (to be) pretty.
    Я нахожу его симпатичным.

  • Verbs denoting wish - to want, to wish, to desire, would like, etc.

    I want you to do it at once.
    Я хочу, чтобы ты сделал это сейчас же.

    Note: When the meaning is passive, Participle II in the Objective Participial construction is usually used.

    The captain wants the ship unloaded at once.
    Капитан хотел, чтобы судно разгрузили немедленно.

  • Verbs of compulsion - to order, to make, to force, to compel, to cause in the meaning of заставлять, требовать, to bid (bade, bidden), etc.

    Peter ordered a ship from Holland to be delivered to Archangel next summer.
    Петр приказал, чтобы корабль был доставлен из Голандии в Архангельск следующим летом.

  • Verbs of allowance – to allow, to permit, to let, etc.

    She allowed our luggage to be left at her place.
    Она разрешила, чтобы наш багаж оставили у нее дома.

  • Verbs of declarance - to declare, to announce, to proclaim, etc.

    She declared him to be the most disobedient child in the world.
    Она сказала ему, что он самый непослушный ребенок в мире.

  • Verbs expressing feelings and emotions - to like, to love, to dislike, to hate, cannot stand, etc.

    I hate people to be late.
    Ненавижу, когда опаздывают.

Note: (for whole construction): Russian sentences of type "Я люблю, когда мне дарят цветы", "Он хочет, чтобы ему подарили щенка" are translated into English without any construction by means of the Passive Infinitive:

I like to be presented with flowers.
Я люблю, когда мне дарят цветы.

He wants to be presented with a puppy.
Он хочет, чтобы ему подарили щенка.