The Objective Participial is a construction in which the predicate relations are between a noun in the Common case or a pronoun in the Objective case and the participle.

This construction performs the function of a complex object in the sentence.

This construction can be used after the following categories of verbs:

  • Verbs of sense perception - to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice, etc.

    I heard him discussing something animatedly in the next room.
    Я слышал, как он оживленно что-то обсуждал в комнате.

    I saw my mother admitted into the room.
    Я видел, как мою мать впустили в комнату.

  • The verb to find.

    They found the child crying bitterly in the nursery.
    Они нашли громко плачущего ребенка в детской.

    Scientists find the Egyptians well acquainted with the basic of mathematics and astronomy.
    Ученые обнаруживают, что египтяне были хорошо знакомы с основами математики и астрономии.

  • Verbs of mental activity - to consider, to suppose, to believe, etc.

    With this category of verbs the Objective-with-the Infinitive is more common and the Objective Participial is mostly used either when the action is represented as a process or when the meaning is passive.

    I consider him to be a first rate programmer.
    Я считаю, что он программист высшего класса.

    I consider him degrading as an artist.
    Я считаю, что он деградирует как актер.

    The specialists consider the manuscript written in the 15-th century.
    Специалисты считаю, что этот манускрипт был написан в XV веке.

  • After the verbs to have and to get.

    In this case the construction is used with Participle II only and it has a special meaning, - it shows that the action expressed by Participle II is performed not by person who is the subject of the sentence but by somebody else.

    Yesterday I had my hair cut.
    Вчера я постригся (меня постригли).

    When the time of the action is not indicated the Present Simple and the Past Simple of the verb to have are somehow interchangeable.

    The Present Perfect can occur here.

    Ты уже сфотографировался на паспорт?
    Have you had your picture taken for your passport?

    When used in this construction the verb to have takes the auxiliary verb to do to form its negative forms.

    We did not have our dog registered last month.
    Мы не зарегистрировали нашу собаку в прошлом месяце.

  • After the verbs denoting wish - to want, to wish, to desire.

    The Objective-with-the Infinitive is more common here and the Objective Participial is mostly used when the meaning is passive.

    I want you to do it at once.
    Я хочу, чтобы ты сделал это немедленно.

    But: I want it done at once.
    Я хочу, чтобы это было сделано немедленно.